I would appreciate your prayers. I went to Michigan to serve St Seraphim Russian orthodox church. I went to sleep at the monastery, St Romanos’ hermitage monastery in Williamston, but I forgot my CPAP machine. As a result, I did not sleep Saturday night. I felt OK sunday morning, exhausted, but OK, everything went very well. But I have a come back to Ohio, and on Monday, I was hit very hard. My head is pounding, my eyes hurt, my cough is very deep and very painful. I haven't been this sick in years. And I just wanna ask for a prayer. I feel very slightly better today, Tuesday, but I will be in bed all day today as well. One prayer make all the difference. Thank you.
Update Thursday March 6th: Thanks to your holy prayers, I am feeling better. I was completely bedridden all Monday and Tuesday and half of Wednesday. Today, I still feel like my head is a balloon but I’ve made it to the eye doctor and I’ve picked up a couple of needed items from the store (laundry detergent, etc.). My hope is to stay up until my sheets and stuff are cleaned and dry (my washer needs repair; it leaves the clothes wringing wet and in standing water), and then hit the sack early this evening. Again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your prayers. Blessed Lent to you!
Update Friday March 7th: I'm feeling worse today. Back to my head, exploding and painful coughing, and when I breathe, my lungs made a sound. I may have overdone it yesterday, although I didn't do much. I wanted to get caught up on sub stack, and I may have stayed up too late. Anyway, thank you for your prayers.
Fr. Bless. Yes, I will include your name in my prayers. Not too long ago, I caught something that took me down twice as hard as Covid did. I later found out it was Influenza A.
You are in my prayers